Author’s Note: I’ve discovered in the process of writing this often promised piece that I write like I talk and I like to talk a lot. So instead of delaying the release any further, I’ve decided to put out what I got’s when I gots it. Think of this as draft 1.5, any and all erstwhile critique and notes will be gratefully accepted as will shares, likes and paid subscriptions (I find myself temporarily lacking a day job at the time of this writing so any and all donations would be very much appreciated!) Thank-you again for your time and patronage, it means much more to me than most will ever know.
-Jason Mironchuk
Finding oneself the victim of betrayal sets off a very complex set of reactionary emotions. The initial feeling of sadness gives way to a form of mourning for the way things used to be, the accompanying anger tightens one’s jaw to near snapping and slowly boils in your knotted belly; it’s the kind of impotent rage that only an unfortunately unforeseen and abrupt awareness of weakness and vulnerability can bring. Betrayal burns cold, it’s a solution to a mystery that has been dropped on you like a piano from the 24th story window, it’s worse than a lie or a malicious joke told at your expense, it’s a set of false directions that has led you to the wolf posing as your loving Granny (my what sharp teeth she has) and the worst part of it all is the persistent realization that there were signs all along that you chose to ignore; your naivety, your hubris, your pride and your dependance on mutual trust were equally to blame as was your betrayer.
History records only one perfect victim and it ain’t you kid.
This all accurately describes the emotional responses to your garden variety betrayals; you catch your wife shagging the mailman, your best friend sells you out to impress his new best friend, your workmate slanders you to get the promotion AND the raise, the list goes on, feel free to insert your own instance or example. But what if you became aware of a generational betrayal, one that stretches back long before you were born, one that has shaped the lived reality of billions and not always in very nice ways; a betrayal so devious and anti-human that we now live in the greatest civilizational crisis the world has known since the fall of Rome. What spirit of this new age born in the looming shadow of this Western apocalypse do you think would manifest?
I believe it will be one of Vengeance.
I further predict that this collective desire for Vengeance will produce an environment of totalizing violence, meaning violence in every aspect, from the kinetic to the psychological and even the spiritual. From the election of populist leaders who promise to upend the status quo substantiated by previous betrayer regimes, to guerilla wars waged by internet anons against ‘Too Big To Fail’ institutions who have preyed on innocent civilians for far too long. As the counter elites begin to organize and reveal themselves as the new Western Lords in search of a King, it will be this spirit of righteous social violence committed in the name of vengeance that will animate and guide them.
But before we fully examine where we are and where we are likely to go, let’s take a look at how we got here in the first place.
The Revolutionary Spirit  Â
 It shouldn’t take much convincing for even the historically scant among us that the Revolutionary spirit of the 18th & 19th centuries built the stage on which the proceeding 20th played out some of the most grandest schemes and grotesque horrors that mankind has collectively ever known. The Revolutions of 1848 in Europe were formally defeated (to the disillusionment of Liberals everywhere) by their respected Monarchies but this seemed to only make the spirit more virulent and spiteful to its European hosts.Â
 The Revolutionary Spirit had already won great victories in England, America, France and Haiti and was the guiding spirit in modernizing industry, agriculture, science, philosophy, and even religion, but despite all of this contagious Western zeal it had failed to fully take hold in places where the older spirit of Christendom still remained, expressed through the power of the Church and the King. Â
 I do not believe that spirits (zeitgeists or memetic contagions if you prefer) of these kinds can ever be defeated, at least not in conventional ways. I reckon that they can dissipate, be transformed or are transcended, but in any case there is always a latter to take the place of the former and quite often we can see the replacements' memetic zygote begin to take shape long before it ascends to primacy.Â
 The disheartened revolutionary Liberals of 1848 didn’t just pack up their ambitions and go join monasteries (although what a wonderful world it might have been if they had). If the Revolutionary Spirit had been defeated we would have expected to see the philosophical expressions that had animated it in the hearts and minds of men become passé, but we instead saw the exact opposite; the theories of Mill, Darwin, Marx, Engels, Anthony, Cohen and Nietzsche just to name a few, hit the main hard and began to transform both the Revolutionary Spirit and those most possessed by it into something darker and more perverse. The essence of an older spirit had been summoned, one that had once held supremacy when men were still stumbling around in the pre-Christian dim, fearful and savage and prone to fits of human sacrifice to subdue their primal natures.
Cue the Tyrannical Father…
(to be continued)